Building a house extension is a great way of adding space and versatility to your home. Adding a conservatory, converting your loft into that office you've always wanted or even excavating your basement are all options you can consider. Furthermore, a flawlessly executed extension will go a long way in improving your property value if you intend on putting it on the market. Unfortunately, extensions can prove to be quite costly so you have to be cautious. If you plan adding an extension to your house, here are some tips to keep your budget under control.

Keep the design simple.

Endeavour to keep the design of your extension as simple as possible. A rectangular or square space with a simple pitched roof is the simplest option. Fancy curves and corners will cost you a lot more so exclude them if you're on a budget. Additionally, take steps to ensure the measurements for your extension will involve standard-size implements such as doors and boards. Having to constantly resize your building materials will increase your costs and leave you with a large amount of waste to deal with. Remember to avoid building your extension close to trees, sewers or other buried utilities; they call for complicated groundworks which are expensive.

Choose the right home extension builder.

Picking the right builder for the extension is a crucial step in the process. Conduct extensive research on the builders and check out the reviews on their websites. If possible, visit their previous projects and personally ascertain the quality of their work before committing to a builder. Balance costs and quality, as affordability isn't the sole concern and a poor quality job will cost you in the long run. However, if you are confident in your skills, you can build the extension yourself as a DIY project. This will save your costs as long as your work is top notch.

Recycle and reuse.

A good saving policy is to minimize what you throw away at all costs. Materials and items such as floorboards, doors and kitchen units can be repurposed and used again in your extension instead of being discarded. If you can't find a use of such materials in your project, conduct a sale after cleaning and redecorating as a means of disposing them. Where possible, acquire your materials from salvage yards that recycle construction materials like roof tiles, floorboards and bricks. They are much cheaper than buying new materials. All this will reduce your costs on waste disposal and material purchase.
